Sault College Support Staff Collective Agreement

Sault College recently reached a collective agreement with its support staff, providing them with job security, fair wages, and improved benefits. The agreement covers approximately 165 employees who work in various roles, including administrative assistants, custodians, and maintenance workers.

One of the key components of the agreement is job security. The support staff at Sault College now have greater protections against layoffs, with the college agreeing to fill vacant positions before hiring new staff. This provides a level of stability for employees who may have previously been concerned about losing their jobs due to budget constraints or other factors.

In addition to job security, the new agreement includes wage increases for support staff. The college has agreed to provide a 1.5% increase in each year of the agreement, which will help to ensure that employees are receiving fair compensation for their work.

The agreement also includes improvements to benefits. Support staff at Sault College will now have access to enhanced health and dental benefits, as well as improved sick leave provisions. These benefits will help to ensure that employees are healthy and able to perform their job duties to the best of their abilities.

Overall, the Sault College support staff collective agreement is a significant step forward for employees at the college. The agreement provides a level of job security, fair compensation, and improved benefits that will help to attract and retain talented staff members. As the college continues to grow and evolve, having a strong and dedicated support staff will be crucial to its success.